Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Baby is Three

If I counted the number of times I thought about blogging, or wrote a blog in my head,  I doubt I could count that high.  I'm going to try to change that though.  It's getting harder and harder to remember all the great stuff going on in our lives.  I need to write it down or it'll be gone forever.

With that, I cannot believe Mitchell is 3.  My baby.  By this age, his brothers each had a little brother.  Oh, my.  Can you imagine?  Mitchell is so kind and sweet. Such a cutie pie.  His blonde blonde hair...his adorable smile...his bow legged walk.  I cannot get enough of him.  He is so aware that its his birthday today.  We've been counting down for two weeks.  Craig put a countdown on a dry erase board in the kitchen and the boys have been keeping track ever since.  Its been fun.  Every time we ask Mitchell what he wants for his birthday he responds...quite loudly...CHOCOLATE CAKE!   I think we can handle that.   Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet boy.  I can't wait to spend the day celebrating you.  :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Off the face of this earth

No, we have not fallen off the face of the earth.  We've been too busy enjoying every moment we spend on it.  It was a fun filled, action packed summer....jammed with the kind of memories that will replay in my mind for a long time to come.
When I get a chance I hope to re-count many of those moments.  For now, I want to jot down a few things that are in the recent past.

Jackson and Connor started school on August 29th.  Connor was psyched to go to second grade as an old-time in Mrs. DeForge's classroom.  Jackson started full day kindergarten.  He did great.  The first day of school he hopped on the bus, turned around long enough to give me a kiss, then sat down without ever looking back.  He's done great.  At the end of the day, I meet the boys at the end of the lane and Jackson fills our walk back to the house with the precious details of his day.  We sent him to school with money to buy chocolate milk only to find him coming home with the coins at the end of the day.  He told us he was too excited to spend time with his friends...and didn't want to waste time waiting in line for milk.  So sweet.  I couldn't be prouder of my school age boys.  The have both jumped into this year with enthusiasm and a great attitude.

Mitchell and Sawyer are home with our sitter until lunchtime....then it's all me.  I savor these moments with my little ones.  Mitchell is so beyond his years in many ways....he talks and figures things out that flabbergast me.   He really is a delight to be around and always wants to try new things.  While he naps, Sawyer and I get to hang out.  I enjoy this time more than I thought possible.  Sawyer is such a sweet, kind, loving little man.  He is full of vinegar too, but it is the perfect mix.  I asked him if he'd rather go to pre-school...and told me no, that he likes staying home with just mommy.  Music to my ears.

I sat on our porch the other evening soaking in the last of the summer sunsets.  I watched the four boys play in the lane.  Riding bikes back and forth...racing...playing street hockey...helping one another....and I thought to myself....I am certainly the luckiest Mommy on the face of this earth.  I cannot thank my Heavenly Father enough for giving me these four little gifts.  I am blessed beyond anything I could ever deserve.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Best Picture Ever

Check out my new super cool pic of the boys.  I love it so much I put it in the header so I can always look at it.  I owe a big thank you to my niece Gabby for it.  I think it may be my all time favorite photo of all four boys.  It was taken March 13th during Mitchell's Second Birthday party.  We had a blast.  I just can't understandy why my boys keep wanting to grow up?  It truly baffles me that Mitchell is already 2.  I can still feel the heartburn and the swollen ankles.  Okay, I know, not the picture I should be painting...but really, how is it possible that two years have gone by since he was joyfully welcomed into this world?

Yes, he was...and still is...joyfully welcomed into this world.  I cannot imagine life without Mitchell.  Neither can his brothers.  They all love him so much.  He fits into our crazy, loud family so well.  He is so full of smiles and laughs.  He's quite a talker...already babbling away in sentences.  My favorite is when he prays at meals.  He simply says...Thank You.  Amen.  That's it.  Really, do you need any more?

Our family is such a blessing to me.  There is simply no way I deserve to be the mom to these boys.  My hearst is overwhelmed with love for them. 

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Too important to forget

I want to make sure I write down a few really special things so that I don't ever forget them.

First of all, on Wednesday night (March 2) we were all sitting in the rec room after dinner. I was telling Craig about my day and how I had a conversation with one of my co-workers about the end times.  My co-worker asked if I believed in the people who were saying May 21 is it.  I told him...I don't really believe it, but I'm ready none the less.  It led to a good conversation about heaven with this co-worker.  Well, as Craig and I were talking my conversation at work...and about heaven and several books about heaven...Connor was sitting next to me.  As of a sudden he says quietly..."I talk to Jesus about that in my brain."  I asked him to repeat himself...he did and added  that he believed in Jesus and wanted to be with Him in heaven.  :)  My heart swelled.  He went on to say that when he gets to heaven he wants to see Sam our dog.  We talked a little more abut what he believed and how happy we were that he wanted to follow Jesus.  At bedtime I kneeled next to his bed and prayed with him. 

On Fridyay night, (March 4) Craig went to Philly to pick up his mom at the airport.  I was alone with the boys and decided we should do a few special things.  So, we made soft pretzels.  It was fun...a little messy...but fun.  The boys rolled their own and made special shapes.  When I got the finished pretzels out of the oven I put cinnamon and sugar on them and passed them to the boys.  I broke Mitchell's into smaller pieces so it would be easier for him.  Well, Mitchell sobbed!!!!  I couldn't stop him from crying..and was at the same time trying to monitor the next batch.  Bless Connor's heart...he walked over and started feeding Mitchell his own pretzel.  (a heart shape he worked really hard on making)  Mitchell calmed down and thoroughly enjoyed the special treatment from Connor.

THEN...Jackson got upset because his pretzel was to crispy and I wouldn't let him just eat dough.  He started sobbing.  Again, nothing I did worked....but Connor put his hand on Jackson's shoulder and spoke quietly and sweetly to him until he stobbed crying.

THEN...I got out a Scooby-Doo video that Craig had bought that afternoon for the boys to enjoy.  They got soooo excited.  Connor immediately said...let's thank the Lord!  I was taken aback.  He went on to bow his head...encouraging his brothers to do the same....and said a prayer of thanks.  He thanked Jesus that Daddy would be so nice as to get a special video..and that Daddy would get home safe. Wow.   Then he said...God please send this message to Daddy so he knows how happy we are that he got this video.  :)

I started the video...then called Craig to tell him.  I was so pleased.  Craig's reaction...We must be doing something right!

We are so blessed.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Valentine Wrap-up

We ended up having Valentines all week long at our house.
These are our finished treats for friends at school.  We wrapped smooshed lots of frosting between two  mini-chocolate cakes then rolled them into some Valentine sprinkles.  Next we wrapped them in individual bags with a pink ribbon on top.  I stapled the boys card to each treat so they knew who it came from.
I think it turned out pretty good.  :)
We also gave goodie boxes to our family...we filled them with the mini-whoopie pie/cakes...and some chocolate pretzel treats.  the boys also made homemade Valentine cards for them.  So cute.
The other day, I had to vacate the house for a few hours while we got some work done to our kitchen.  Jackson and Connor were at school so I took Mitchell and Sawyer to the mall.  We had a blast.
Say cheese!
The boys road on the rides at the mall for about 20 minutes.  Best part, I didn't put a dime in...they had fun anyway!
Take a look at these....
Craig's sister Lori dropped these off.  Individual heart-shaped cakes for each of the boys...and one for us!  They looked just like conversation hearts...and tasted even better.  Yum.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Basketball Video

here's my little super star.  first game.  loved every minute.

Sweets for the Sweet

After church we got to work...
I baked 55 mini-whoopies pies...
They smelled sooooo good, but I felt so bad....I wouldn't let the boys snack on them.  I needed to make sure we had enough to give to our valentines.
After they cooled, I made buttercream frosting and rolled them in pink and red heart sprinkles.  Too bad I didn't think to take a picture of the finished product.

While I baked and decorated, Craig kept the boys occuppied.

They played board games...and had so much fun.  I see a future filled with fun times playing games.